If You Go Down To The Woods Today... (🚫NSFW FICTION🚫

 Once upon a time there was a little girl who loved to explore the woods near her house.  She was an inquisitive and curious little one (too much for her own good and curiosity killed the little one, Daddy always told her) and there was just so much to discover...plants and ladybirds and little streams with tiny stone bridges and lots and lots of pretty flowers.  But there was something even more enticing.


The sweetest berries that burst in your mouth and stained your tongue with their lush juices.

Oh, how she longed for just one taste...

But the woods had another side, one not so sweet.  And the little girl had heard the stories about the darkness that lurked there...a darkness that only unmasked its true face when the sun disappeared and the shadows came out to play.  So for the little girl, the woods were forbidden to her, unless her Daddy was with her.

She loved her Daddy, she really did, and always tried to be his good girl; but the little girl was also stubborn and independent and desperately wanted to be a big girl, so one evening, when her Daddy was away doing Daddy-errands, the little girl grabbed her red jacket and slipped out of the house, determined to pick the perfect raspberry.  Just one.  Any more and Daddy would find out...

The wood's entrance was beautiful: overgrown and wild and partially hidden but to the little girl it felt like an intoxicating adventureland - she was Alice, willingly falling down the rabbit-hole of wonder.

Deeper and deeper she skipped: first over the little stone bridge; past the purple flowers; across the second stone bridge to the circular clearing up ahead.  A bird chirruped overhead, encouraging the little girl to follow him off the path and into the wilderness.  The little girl saw a tree stump to her left - closer examination revealed a little perch made from a fallen tree, "a perfect place to eat my raspberry," she thought.  And then she squealed in delight, clapping her hands.

A raspberry bush.

Almost tripping over a branch, the little girl ran to the bush.  It was almost bare of fruit - the animals that called the woods home had clearly feasted earlier - but right at the top of the bush, facing heavenwards, was one small cluster of berries: glossy knots of glorious goodness.  Smiling, the little girl perched on her tippy-toes and tried to reach the treasure she craved.



The little girl froze, her heart beating so hard it felt like it would burst out of her little chest.  She slowly scanned the trees for the sound, but saw nothing.  She turned around and continued to reach up for a raspberry.  "Just one," she muttered.  "I just want to taste one."  As if the raspberries hear her plea, one dropped into her palm.  Then a second.  And a third.  The little girl giggled in delight but just as she began to step away from the bush, one of her pigtails became tangled in the thorns.  She frantically pulled at it with her free hand, crying out as her head was jerked to the side and the thorns pricked her fingers.  "Nooooo!" she shrieked, tugging again on her pleat and eventually breaking free.

Tears stained her cheeks as the little girl ran back to the wooden perch.  She rubbed the wetness from her eyes and gazed down at her reward: three raspberries, shining brightly in the setting sun.  She slowly took the first raspberry and opened her mouth, already dripping with anticipation.  She placed it between her moist lips and bit down.  She expected the sweetness but not the accompanying sharpness that stabbed deliciously at her tongue.

It was divine.

She moaned in sheer pleasure.





Before she could utter a sound, the little girl was hauled off the perch, dropping the remaining berries onto the ground below.  Her arms were grabbed and forced behind her back.  Sobbing and struggling in vain, she felt something tighten around her wrists and then she was bent over the perch.  The little girl kicked at her captor and did the only thing she knew how: "DAAADDDDYY!" she screamed.

A hand covered her mouth as a heavy body pressed down on her back.  The scent was familiar..."Shhh, little girl.  Daddy's here..."
"D...D...Daddy?" She hiccuped and stopped struggling.  Turning her head, the little girl was relieved to see her Daddy behind her.  But her looked different.  Wilder.  Her eyes widened...

Daddy was furious.

"So, you want to be a big girl," he growled as he ripped her trousers and panties down, down, down until they pooled around her ankles.  

"Noooo....Daddy!" She wailed, sobbing harder when she realised she was helpless to stop him.

"Big girls need to take big girl punishments."  She heard the woosh as his belt was ripped off his trousers.


Flames licked the little girl's bottom, blossoming into an almighty searing pain.  She screamed.  And screamed.

"Does Daddy need to gag you, big girl?"

"Noo, Daddy!  Please! No!" She begged.

"Then be a big girl for Daddy and take the first part of your punishment," he whispered in her ear and smoothed the tears from her eyes.  "Ten of the belt, bad girl.  Why are you being punished?"

"Be...be..cause I came into the woods without you, Daddy," the little girl whispered, fresh tears escaping from her as she bowed her head in shame.  "I'm sorry, Daddy."

She felt a gentle hand stroke her hair.  "I know you are."  The hand left her head.  "And you'll mean it even more after I'm finished.  Ready?"  She nodded.  "Use your words, big girl."

"Yes, Daddy." she hiccuped.

"Good.  Now count."

The little girl braced herself and waited for the pain. And waited.  Nothing but cool air caressed her naked flesh and she shivered.

Crack.  "One," she whimpered.  Crack..."two...three...fOUR!...Fuck!" she swore.

Crack...crack....crack...."Five, six, seven!" she hissed, dancing up and down, her bottom ablaze and she begged for the pain to stop.

She felt a firm hand placed at the base of her spine, holding her in place; grounding her.  "Is it red, little one?" Daddy asked.

Love and courage bloomed inside her.  "No Daddy.  I'm a big girl."

"Last three, naughty girl..." Daddy warned and she knew these were going to hurt the worst - they would sear her skin and break her.

Crack..."eight," she panted...CRACK..."NINE!"...CRACK!!!

"TEN!" she wailed into the wilderness and collapsed over the perch.

Strong arms gently lifted up the little girl and she was sat of her Daddy's lap.  She hissed with the pain as her blistered bottom made contact with his jeans and crumpled into his arms.  "I'm sorry, Daddy.  I'm sorry...I'm sorry...so... sorry...Da...Dadddy...."

"Shhh, little one.  Daddy's here..."
